
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's been awhile...

Well, I've skipped a couple days on the blog. I had told myself I would write for 365 days straight and I already screwed that up, 5 posts in. I guess its been to ruin my streak now, than when I'm 250 days deep. That would've been a frustration equal to dying in a Nintendo game warranting throwing a controller.

I don't feel like doing a top 10 list today, mostly because they kept getting too long and I would want to add things I forgot later on. Today I will only do a top 5 list and fill in of the past two days.

Wifey finally had two days off. She'd only had one day off since we moved down here, and it was ruined by her feeling ill late into the night. (Although, not her fault.) So the past two days we spent just hanging out hard.

Sunday we tried to find a church out here, but were unsuccessful. She found a church that seems to be ran by younger people (and by younger I mean 35ish) and it starts a little later on Sunday (11:15) so we can mildly sleep in. Unfortunately we never found, and by the time we gave up looking it was 11:30, and had no options. So we went to the beach and ate at a place called the Sea Captain's House. Its an awesome atmosphere, but last time we ate there it left me undecided on the food, but tettering more toward the no good side. It redeemed itself this time. I had a roast beef sandwich that hit the spot while watching the ocean.

We went for a pretty good run. She estimates it was a little over two miles round trip. We were gone for 27 minutes and walked for about 6 or 7. (My back was hurting)

After lunch we hung out on the beach for a minute and then went home where Sallie painted (one of her best and largest paintings) and we consumed the first two Rocky movies (she'd never seen them, for shame) and a steak and potato dinner. The steak was mediocre (we had to commit a sin and do them on a Forman grill since we're in an apartment) but the potatoes were first class. Sallie wasn't feeling well so we laid in bed from about midnight until 2ish when she finally fell asleep.

Then Monday we made some BLT's for breakfast (with Turkey bacon, its healthier, and I think it tastes better), laid around for a while watching the Devil Wears Prada, (surprisingly not bad) until we just had an urge to get out of the house. We went for the same run route we did the day before only this time we only walked for 1 minute and finished the entire run in 25 minutes. We had a comic book movie night, taking in X-men 3 and Superman Returns, finally falling asleep to an episode of Heroes. So in honor of last nights movie watching I will present my top 5 favorite comic book heroes.

1. The Punisher- I've always loved the anti-hero that isn't afraid to kill the villains. He's traveled as far as Russia and central America to get his kill.

2.Spiderman- Spiderman has more or less always had some of the best writers and most indepth realistic story lines. Recently he had to decide whether to stay married to Mary Jane or erase his whole relationship with her to bring his Aunt Mae back from the dead. That's a tough decision. The only blemish on Spiderman's record was the horrendous feature film "Spiderman 3." They give him an emo-kid hair swoop to make him look evil. This is one of the first times that Emo-kids and non-emo-kids have banded together to hate something.

3. Batman- The ever tormented DC superhero. Especially recent translations of the dark knight interest me. He's always one drink away from turning into the Punisher and killing his villains. If he did kill his villains he probably would make it to the top of the list. (But he would run out of comics, because often the same villains come back several times over) He's not only taken on the llikes of the Joker and Mr. Freeze, but he's fought the Predator and won, something Arnold could barely do.

4. Wolverine- Yes I do like Wolverine. Unfortunately Marvel has decided to whore him out to every comic they need to build sales for, but Wolverine was once (and largely still is) a complete badass. When he's not beating the crap outta villains, he's telling cyclops to shove it, and smoking cigars.

5. "V"- V from V for Vendetta is the anarchist anti-hero you just have to love. He takes on the future British fascist regime with nothing more than some knives and one liners.

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