
Monday, January 16, 2023

The Rona Comes Around

Taking a little break from my little jaunt down memory road celebrating 15 years of marriage because we finally have the Corona virus in our house. 

I was feeling proud of us having the nearly 3 year streak of not getting it. The masking up, social distancing, vaccines were proving to be effective. We had even managed to go on long airplane trips without getting it. 

We're pretty sure we know who patient zero was. It was one of those moments where we let our guard down. 

We met up with a friend from out of town for a beer at Amsterdam Tavern. We started outside, it was one of those really nice days we had over new years weekend. Amsterdam is perfect for these sort of situations because they have a huge patio with tons of seating, so you can have fresh air and still social distance, but be comfortable. 

And then the temperature dropped once the sun started going down and we had half a drink still. So we went inside and sat at the bar. 

Unfortunately, the bartender was incredibly drunk and decided it was necessary to sing to us and talk to us and just generally be near us. All the while, he was just spitting in our vicinity. Pretty sure he's the one that got us because we didn't do anything else in public that entire weekend. 

Sal tested positive Saturday the 7th, but may have had it a few days before, which would put her at day 6 from the day we got rained on by our favorite bartender.  

Mine took a little longer. My allergies had been going nuts for the first two weeks of January since it's been weirdly warm and wet. Ever since Sal had a positive, I would wake up in morning feeling like crap. Stuffy nose, feverish eyes, soar throat, thinking, "Well, this is it, I've finally got Covid."

I took a Covid test every other day and they all were negative. I took my temperature every day and it was normal. I think I just happened to have a sinus infection the same time Sal had Covid. It might actually be the thing that protected me from getting initially. Since I couldn't breath, Covid couldn't get into my head. 

We spent 4-5 days being as careful as we could be living in the same domicile. I slept on the air bed in the TV room, Sal slept in our bedroom. I cooked all the meals, sanitized constantly, and covered myself with a face mask anytime I went near the room.

We spent our 15th anniversary 20 feet apart, with the bottom half of our faces covered anytime we interacted. Real romance story here. 

The first day I felt like my allergies had subsided was Thursday the 12th. The first day I woke up feeling crappy again with a positive test, was Friday the 13th. So I had a good 12 hour run. 

Sal was hit much harder than I was. Luckily her body has this built in protection where it puts her in a hibernation anytime she's feeling crappy. So she slept for most of the days she was really sick. 

I went a few days without a voice and had a lot of sinus pressure. So much pressure that I had a ringing in my ear for 3 days. 

Friday was the only day I felt winded. I had to sign out of work at 3 and take a nap. 

Saturday was my most uncomfortable day. Every joint in my body hurt a little bit. It was like when you have an itch on the bottom of your foot and you can't scratch it through the callouses. I just felt really squirmy and unsatisfied all day. 

As of the 15th, Sal is testing negative, and generally feels pretty good other than some sinus pressure. 

I feel like I've already worked through most of it as well. I've got some junk in my sinuses but otherwise feel fine. I'm going to test again tomorrow to see if I've kicked the virus yet. 

I can't imagine what Covid would feel like if we didn't get vaccinated a couple months back. This was worse than any cold I've had in recent years, but ultimately I was able to kick it pretty quickly. 

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