Hi! It's me again. It's been a long time.
Honestly, I have about two dozen drafts written up about various topics, but almost all of them dig deep into the history of the anti-vax movement and where the dark money to continue to push it via media comes from, why banning abortions is a terrible idea, how we have failed at being stewards of the planet, etc.
Lot of things that got me fired up, depressed, and generally unfocused. And honestly, you probably don't want to hear most of these rants anyway. Maybe someday in person, we can talk about them, but via a blog, I don't know that it helps much. (Maybe I'll circle back, never know)
I also started writing up my Hawaii travel blog. I will return to that and finish it someday soon, but the post vacation insanity has kept me from having the focus to really do it justice.
So today, I instead naturally want to talk about bats.